Saturday, April 2, 2011

Where blue hearts are made red.

"Blue days" or what I like to call 'when my heart feels so blue and depressed, I wish I could escape the brokenness of this world and relax on a far away island forever' kind of days. They come and go. However, they seem to be coming more frequently with age. Maybe that's one reason I see more blue hearts than red. 

Blue hearts are lifeless. They reside in sad bodies of those who have succumb to their feelings and determined nothing can be done to change the way they feel. I beg to differ with them though. Blue hearts CAN and MUST be changed - changed into giant, oxygen filled, life-giving red ones! This is done by telling ourselves the truth and keeping perspective (something that also seems to be lost with age). Life gets busier and is easily filled with more of the unnecessary. 

I hope my writings can shed some light on life. May my words challenge you to think differently. To live differently. And to love differently...with a red heart. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy you've started a blog dear :) You always have so much wisdom to share, and I'm looking forward to hearing more thoughts from your beautiful heart <3


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